Capturing Non Functional Requirements

In an Agile development environment, one of the questions that is kept asked is how do you capture and solve Non Functional Requirements?

As always we first note down the functional requirements as user stories and then we break it down in to smaller manageable user stories. How do you do that? For example a functional requirement could be to support both IE and Firefox. In that case you could break it down to two stories, One to support IE and the other to support Firefox. If even this is not something that can be accomplished in one sprint you may want to break it in to based the versions of browsers and say support IE 8 for example.

Once a functional requirement has been addressed in an earlier sprint, in the ongoing sprints you would have to ensure that the new code that gets added (new pages) do not break the support. The functional requirement that is  added will have to treated as cumulative.

By following these two steps you can ensure that the Non functional requirements are not only captured but are also implemented in your agile development process.



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