By Dr APJ Abdul Kalam One should have a Dream One should Acquire knowledge to achieve that dream One should work Hard One should Persevere One should NOT be afraid of Problems That’s it folks

Consumer Tech Aggregation Theory – Ben Thompson “Loops” – lots of good writing on loops in consumer technology. This is one of the most interesting active spaces of study. Reforge on loops. This isn’t technically all public content but the Reforge course has some of the best growth loop thinking from Casey Winters, Brian Balfour […]

As product engineers and designers we spend our time thinking about building great products. There various techniques and methods out there. There is an easy approach that is helping me intuitively think about this and also teach this. It is, to start thinking of use cases as moments in the life of a user as […]

Our team is now prioritizing the roadmap items for our next product release. We have senior sales team giving us customer feedback based on what they have heard from the customers during demos and meet ups. This is what we did. We listed down everything we heard from the customers in an excel and created […]

Happened to read Steve Case’s commencement address at Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business. There are a lot of hidden nuggets that are helpful. But one thing struck hard. It is his 3P’s that determine an individuals success. P – People – You success rate and how much you can achieve is largely dependent on the […]

Recently talked to very accomplished entrepreneurs on an idea in their very field. I went ahead and just described the idea to them and immediately I realized the mistake I made.  They did not get it! It is not to say that they were less smart or anything like that, it is to say that you […]

Have we always wondered why start ups with so fewer resources and mostly with an inexperienced team are able to do better than established companies? The following comment answers that When I reflect on the last 10 years, one question I ask myself is: why were we the ones to build this? We were just […]

Read this article on the break down of the venture backed startup called Sonar. It is always sad to get to know of start ups that failed yet we know a lot fail. The primary take away for me from this very elaborate article is this  Companies don’t get sold, they get bought. The best […]

For any product the most important quality that the team needs to have is the ability to make the right judgments  There are several decisions that stare down and your ability to make the right judgments dictate the success of the product. To make the right judgement you need data and the skill to understand the data and […]